The company “DYGP LDA”, hereinafter referred to as BATERIA, informs all interested parties that, pursuant to and for the purpose of the New Data Protection Regulation – (EU) 2016/679, and Law 67/98, of 26 October, and other legislation and regulations applicable:

The personal details gathered will be used only for the specified, explicit and legitimate purpose for which they are requested - to comply with the legislation to which BATERIA and all its employees are subject and also with the internal procedures relating to the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, which came into force on 26 June 2019 - according to Art. 5(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation.

The following personal details will therefore be gathered and processed: full identification, address, profession, employer, place of birth, nationalities, civil status, receipts and other information relating to remuneration and its payment, bank details or other details that may be relevant for the purpose indicated above.

The personal details processed in order to manage the contractual relationship will be stored during the period for which the relationship with BATERIA is maintained and, once terminated, this will be duly blocked with respect to the limitation period on any liability that may arise as a result of its treatment, and will only be made available to the competent administrative and judicial authority, in cases of proven necessity.

BATERIA also hereby informs all interested parties that they may access the information relating to their personal details, to their rectification, restriction of processing, portability of the data or its destruction, except those details essential to the purpose for which they were granted, in accordance with the standards of the General Data Protection Regulation, and for this purpose should contact the Data Protection Office, through the following contacts:



I have read and expressly agree to the processing of my data for the purposes described in this notice